Thanks to the online sales platform, farmers can now buy John Deere parts directly through their mobile phone and thus no longer have to go to their dealership. Time savings when ordering and additional business opportunities depending on the group.
AGA Parts has launched an online shopping platform. Goal: Simplify and speed up the process of purchasing genuine John Deere parts.
The site allows you to buy parts from a local dealer without additional worries. Thus, saving time is the first advantage of the site. Not to mention the possibility of ordering multi-brand spare parts at any time of the day or night.
Part Number Search
The farmer enters the serial number of his machine to search by part number. The site is accessible both from a computer and from a mobile phone. Thousands of serial numbers of spare parts are available for search and purchase.
“In early 2021, a new sales channel in Europe was planned through the establishment of an online store for the sale of genuine John Deere industrial parts.” In this way, the platform offers an additional sales channel and business opportunities for dealers. »
Thus, the company strives to improve its service as much as possible. To date, thousands of farmers around the world have used the online platform.
We appreciate everyone who has trusted us. We try to do everything possible so that our client receives the spare parts ordered by him as soon as possible, and starts his immediate tasks – sowing or harvesting. Today, agricultural production is undoubtedly a strategically important task for the whole world, without exaggeration. Modern life and reality throws us many challenges. And so we have to find ways to get out of difficult situations.
Farmers are very hardworking people. And we simply do not have the right not to help them in their hard, painstaking and daily work. That is why we have tried to create the most convenient site for farmers who work on tractors, combines, mowers manufactured by John Deere. That is why we try to find and supply all the necessary John Deere parts for our customers in a short time. After all, ultimately, it depends on how free we will feel in the grocery store, buying bread, meat or milk.